Yogi Amir

Sunday 27 April 2014

Rumi quotes about spiritual growth and development

No mirror ever became iron again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened grape ever became sour fruit. Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse. Become the light.

Only from the heart Can you touch the sky.

Patience is the key to joy.

People of the world don’t look at themselves, and so they blame one another.

Since in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening.

That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquility.

The intelligent want self-control; children want candy.

The middle path is the way to wisdom.

The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.

Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the moon’s reflection.

To praise is to praise how one surrenders to the emptiness.

We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.

We rarely hear the inward music, but we’re all dancing to it nevertheless.

You think the shadow is the substance.

Molana Jalal-eldin Mohamad Balkhi  
(Roumi, Molanaye Rome)  
(1207 - 1273) 
Born in Balkh, a city in old Khorasan (North Eastern Iran). He spent many years in Qunieh, a city in the Byzantine "Eastern Rome" (Today's Turkey), where he was buried.


Friday 25 April 2014

Glowing and fresh facial skin Tips

Glowing and fresh facial skin Tips:

Add 3 drops of white vinegar in 2 table spoons yogurt. Paste it on your face for 10 minutes and wash it. It will make your facial skin shiny and glowing. 

If you see a little swelling on your face when you get up in the morning, mix mustard powder in semi hot water. Soak a towel in that water and wrap it on your face after rinsing the towel. It will help reducing the swelling.



  • Sufi Yoga is a combination of Yogic and Sufi practices and as such there are a variety of different types of exercises suited for people with different strengths and weaknesses.

  •  Under the guidance of the Teacher each individual can learn the exercises that suit him best for his/her own individuality. There are practices for active people, practices for people who are more passive, exercises for people who seek physical strength, and techniques for self-confidence and emotional well being.

  •  There are practices that you can do at home, in a group or individually which include Yoga postures, breathing techniques, using the power of sound, as well as spontaneous movements. 
  •  There are exercises that you can commit time to, and exercises that you can apply in day-to-day activities in just a few minutes.
  • There are practices for the mind body and emotions. What makes Sufi Yoga unique is its emphasis is on engaging and balancing all the centers, giving attention to the whole and reminding the spirit of its natural state of Unity.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Fruit Properties

Fruit Properties
Each fruit is poisonous substances. So it should be washed with plenty of water before meals.


Guava is one who makes breakfast , water waist ( Tiny) clean and beautiful children are born, Guava is a nutritious heart and safyy heart, Guava beautiful body , mind and all internal organs exhilirant benefits.


Pomegranate represents the blood clean . Veins of the body, strengthens the penis and help is genetic . Million and has digestive . Urine and the liver is very useful for .
Pomegranate , jaundice disease , thal , paranoia is also beneficial for the heart and cough,Sounds clean.

Figs: Fig is fired combustion plant . Vapor is removed the stomach and liver . Builds strong bones . Hair grows . Does the pain away. Fig tract is correct . Development helps. 
Body , powerful and experienced face makes you eat in the evening and regulate the movement of the stomach gives freshness to the body. In terms of Fig taste delicious and good diet. Physical health and body is explained in order . Liver and blood useful. Tuberculosis and cancer is profitable. Chest pain and cough is another benefit Fig . However, the increased use is harmful for eyes and stomach.

Persimmon Diseases are medicine, Virology ends . And that many diseases away . Ate seven grains at bedtime unless if  stomach will get rid of pests . Persimmon and enables the body warm . Creates heavy bleeding . Boiled in milk , then it is very useful for power off . Intestines , dry cough and also useful is incomplete speak . The citrus and persimmon raw . Fire for effect here , bleeding , diarrhea and gum is also benefit.

Grapes: Grapes strengthens muscles , relieve pain Kartar and soul gives joy . Noah, God complained of pain and fear, refined blood. Nutritious diet . Now grapes freshness incident . Stimulate circulation and stomach pain does away . Different fever liver . Indigestion . Heart and is useful for cancer . Which is the best grapes from different diseases can be treated in different ways.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Black Seed (Kalonji) Advantages

A pinch of Black Seed eight to ten drops of pure honey mixed with the index finger at each ruzsbh particularly China, hmn Bismillah al-Rahim read the swallows many diseases emerge.

Black Seed also has the following advantages:

  • Black Seed Oil , by zealously planting warm head cold , flu and headache turns off.
  • Black Seed is eating away the body dry.
  • Black Seed planting sesame oil on the body are removed.
  • Black Seed was ground in water to gargle for tooth pain actually goes away.
  • Black Seed vinegar mixed in food disposal makes liquid worm.
  • Black Seed Dhoni mosquito and bug etc to die.
  • Black Seed mixed with vinegar or phlbhry brs brs away from putting emphasis on.
  • Black Seed Oil kakars planting area is itching away.
  • Nigella seeds and black salt mixed with half a stomach ache from eating all makes.
  • Black Seed oil and sesame oil and put in the ear makes the ear pain.
  • Insulated white , insulated , black nigella seeds , ginger , curry it be put in the same piece . Is useful for nerve pains.
  • Kskas pigments mixed two parts and one part Black Seed oil massage on the strip which is to reduce insomnia.
  • 6 drops of Black Seed Oil with milk at night to clean mucus from the respiratory tract is.

Tuesday 8 April 2014



Brahma Yoga hiranyagarbh Snkadikon first to preach , after Vivswan ( Sun ) respectively . It was later split into two branches . A second Karmayoga Brhmyog . Brhmyog tradition of cynicism , Snandn , eternal , Kapil , Asuri , Vodu and Pchchanshik Narada - Shukadikon had started . It Brhmyog knowledge among the people , spirituality and Sankhya Yoga is known .

Karma Yoga is the second of Vivswan tradition . Vivswan Manu , Manu to Ikshvaku , Ikshvaku Prjaon the royal sages and taught yoga . All the above mentioned things in the Vedas and Puranas . Veda is considered the world's first book of Genesis is considered from approximately 10,000 years ago . Yoga originated in 5000 BC according to archaeologists . Master - disciple knowledge of yoga by tradition from generation to generation traditionally received .Indian yoga , according to Yoga originated in India more than 5000 years ago was . Yoga 's most amazing place in the beginning of 1920 . In 1920 , scientists Archaeology Indus Saraswati civilization " had found evidence of ancient tradition of Hinduism and yoga meet. 3300-1700 BC Indus Valley civilization Considered old ." Not Ysmadrite Vipshcitshcn Sidhyti Yjञo . Number Dhinan Yogminwati .. - ऋksnhita , Division 1, Sukta -18 , -7 spells . Ie - without yoga scholar Yjञkarm does not prove anything . What is yoga ? Cittwrittion detention of yoga , it is rife in Karmmatr duty .No yoga Abhuwatr M egha l l l Purn Dhyam a say . Gmd 's not Vajebhira : .. - 'A' . That tends sake of the divine trance 1-5-3 , trance by his kindness , wisdom , reputation and bring to ऋtmbra intelligence , but of divine attainments including Anima etc. to travel towards us .

There is ample evidence in the Upanishads . Ktopanisd symptoms have been told - ' Tan योगमित्तिमन्यन्ते Sthiromindriy Dharnm 'Authentic portrayal of yoga around 3000 BC The Indus Valley civilization is in pieces and sculptures . Yoga standard work ' Yogasutra ' 200 BC The first systematic treatise on yoga written . Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism Yoga different - have been classified differently . All this is basically the Vedas and Upanishads.

Vedic period was very important in the sacrifice and yoga . He had made arrangements for the four ashrams . Brahmacharyasrama study of Vedas and yoga instruction as well as weapons were also given . 1500 BC Rigveda 1000 BC Is believed to have been written between . Before making memorize the Vedas based on memory has been preserved for thousands of years .

Indian philosophy has been considered miraculous ie Vedas Vedas according to the voice of God and it is believed nearly two billion years old . Others are also about their antiquity . Osho Rajneesh Rigveda treats about 90 thousand years old . 563 to 200 BC The three limbs of yoga, meditation , self-cultivation was practiced Pranidhan God . It is called Kriya Yoga .

Jain and Buddhist awakening and regeneration period through the round and the emphasis shifted to the rules of the organs . Yama and the rule of non-violence , truth , celibacy , Astey , renunciation , defecation , contentment, austerity and self-education is the more practiced . Even the addition was not as tidy .

The first time 200 BC Patanjali Yoga Vidya scattered in the Vedas right - correctly classified. After Patanjali Yoga increase circulation and compound institutions, benches and began to build shelters , which only Raja Yoga upbringing was give.
Lord Shiva after the Vedic sage - sages considered the beginning of the sum . Later Krishna , Mahavira and Buddha, it has expanded its way . It was organized by the Patanjali . This form Siddhpanth the country , Shaivpnth , Nathpnth wing, his Vaishnava and Sakta - stretched his way .

Yoga is a detailed history of tradition and scriptures . Although its history is buried in the caves of Afghanistan and the Himalayan forests of Burma , including Tamil Nadu and Assam in the dens .Way mark of RAM place in the Indian subcontinent - in the same way scatter mark ascetic yogis and forests , mountains and caves can still be seen . Just need to find out India's glorious history is proud .

Monday 7 April 2014


Roman Transliteration of Holy Quran "Sura Faatiha"

Bismillaahir - Rahmannir -Ra-hiim 

Al-Hamdu lillaahi Rabbil-Aalamiin


Maaliki Yawmid-Diin

Iyyaaka na-budu wa iyyaaka nasta-iin

Ihdinas - Siraatal -Musta-qiim

Siraatal-laziina an-amta alay-him

Gayril-magzuubi alay-him wa laz-zaaalliin


English Translation of Sura Faatihah -Verses : 7 - Section 1

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds
Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Master of the Day of Judgment

Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek

Show us the straight way

The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.